Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by lover of paulina rubio:

Perhaps the Palestinian terrorists did not want the recipients of the scholarships to actually receive education and recognition. They would rather have them remain uneducated and ignorant, therefore having a larger pool of the population to easily manipulate for their own agenda.

IMO, very sad indeed.
Are you serious?

Many Palestinians are very educated. Many Palestinian terrorists are very educated. Many have been educated in the West.

Many Palestinian suicide (homocide) bombers are very educated and come from well-to-do families. Case in point... the recent mass murder in Haifa . The bomber was a 29 year old Palestinian female who was an educated lawyer from a well off family.

Education seems to be irrelevant in a culture of hate.

There seems to be many theories as to what makes a suicide bomber. There are MANY reasons which include hatred of Israel and the West, revenge, ignorance, prestige for ones family, brainwashed into thinking it will lead to 72 virgins in Heaven, etc, etc, etc...

Poverty (eg. Iraq offering $ to families of suicide bombers, land will go to Palestinians who currently live in refugee camp if Israel is wiped out, etc...) and lack of education are just two of many reasons.

There may be many Palestinians who are educated and well-off, but there are far more who live in poverty. That is not to say that is an excuse to walk into a pizzaria strapped with explosives and wipe out 20 innocent bystanders. From what I have read, Hamas does not recruit suicide bombers from the criminal elements in order to avoid detection. They recruit from the average Palestinian population, which is certainly not wealthy and educated.

I simply suggested the education/poverty angle because the attack on the convoy was different from other attacks in that it was targeted towards the U.S. as it was going to interview potential scholarship recipients.

As well, the media don't always mention the background of a suicide bomber unless it was significant enough to do so such as when they are: 1. the first female, 2. a female ambulance attendant, 3. a 27 yrs old female who was days away from becoming a lawyer. There were countless others who were average Palestinians (eg. not well educated or wealthy)