More on Lynch: IT seems that she was injured in the initial ambush, transfered to a humvee and when the humvee ran into the back of the 5-ton in front of it, was knocked out and later awoke in the hospital. So when exactly did she have time to fire all her rounds? We had a corp LRRS unit get ambushed the other day. These are infantry soldiers, most of whom have Ranger tabs - one with a scroll for a combat patch. They only managed to fire a few rounds between them - and none of them were injured to much extent. She got the Bronze Star for surviving an ambush and subsequent hospitalization.
We have a guy leaving who was made a team leader the same day we got hit. He became the squad leader during that incident as his SL was a casualty. He performed the job well - all he's leaving with is the typical ETS medals - Army Commendation medal and Army Achievement Medal.
300,000 miles, and counting