Originally posted by NY Madman:
Hmmmm... "Assault weapon"... I can't help but think this sounds very "Clintonian". Personally I don't call them "assault weapons. They are "automatic rifles". The term "assault weapon" seems to be part of the liberal vernacular now, so I am not surprised you think of them in these terms. I bet you even think an AR-15 is an "assault weapon". It is not.
Semantics, semantics. When I say "assault" I basically mean something that has the ability to be automatic, or has some sort of military equivalent. If you want to use "automatic" then fine, automatic.

You disappoint me Moby. You have no problem with guns being banned.... if they were. What other constitutional rights would you feel comfortable surrendering?
Apparently I failed in my explanation again. I USED to feel that if they were banned I'd have no problems with it. Not that IF they were now.

It's nice and easy to be a sheep isn't it?
I'm just glad I'm not a ditto-head...oh wait...those are sheep, too. :p

Does that mean you don't want a gun for Christmas? I think you have been lucky working with your $20,000 equipment in the middle of a ghetto. Luck ALWAYS runs out.
Like I said, I have absolutely no use for a gun. Don't want one, don't need one. If you feel safer with one, so be it. No skin of my back.
"Nature has constituted utility to man the standard and test of virtue. Men living in different countries, under different circumstances, different habits and regimens, may have different utilities; the same act, therefore, may be useful and consequently virtuous in one country which is injurious and vicious in another differently circumstanced" - Thomas Jefferson, moral relativist