Originally posted by Mobycat:

I understand that plenty of Palestinians have been living in Israel peacefully for years. But every time some idiot terrorist does something, they suffer for it.
Oh really... This is new. How do they suffer? One million Israeli citizens are non-Jewish Arabs. That's 1/6th of the total population. They have total equality. Give examples of how they suffer. Don't give liberal bullshit statements like this.

It's also the path of people living peacefully. Switzerland anyone? Ireland anyone?
Switzerland is no longer a neutral country. Hasn't been for a while. (They really never were. They manufacture weapons and sell them) If you paid more attention to world events and less on PC and liberal bullshit you would have known this. Ireland has nothing but 3 million people. The whole country is a welfare case for the EU. Does anyone really care if they take a position on anything? The Irish don't give two shits about world politics until they move to other countries... and then most become out of control liberals and leftists.

Besides... you are neither Irish nor Swiss. You are an American.

Absolutely agreed. But there are some things that ARE gray.
Some guy on my block has a gray house. That's about it. Liberals create gray areas on almost every issue except government intrusion in everyones lives.

The conservative seem to be the ones who think it shouldn't be discussed. Who is it that says, "hey, if you don't like it, leave the country"...not the liberals. Who is it that thinks there should be no movement with Cuba? Aside from 40 years ago, when has Castro ever been a threat to us?
You really are whacked out. Conservatives talk about the Israeli/Terrorist conflict all the time. What the fuck does it have to do with Cuba? Why do you lefties love Cuba so much? It is a communist dictatorial nation that subjugates its people. May I remind you they were setting up nuclear missiles to launch at the U.S. Let's just forgive Castro right? The same guy is still in charge and the same people still rotting in his jails along with new ones all the time.... all for speaking out against the communists. You liberals are definitely fucked up with your love for Castro and Cuba. It also has no bearing in a Palestinian debate.

Is it right that a person should be beaten in NYC by some simple-minded goons because of some idiots who crashed a plane simply because they "look" like a Muslim (and ironically, aren't)?
What the fuck are you talking about? Who was beaten? Is this relavant to the Israeli/Terrorist problem? People get the shit knocked out of them in NY everyday day. Is this more of your liberal PC bullshit? You're fucked up Moby. Grabbing at straws...Making shit up. Are you drunk?