AIDS was spread throughout North America and Europe by homosexual men. It still is the prime source of infection.

They even traced it back to one French Canadian flight attendant. It was introduced to the North American populace by promiscuous homosexuals in bath houses.

Bisexuals and intravenous drug addicts are responsible for the crossover to the straight population. Some got it from the blood supply but that was taken care of in the 80's.

AIDS is and will always be primarily a homosexual disease in the West. A very small percentage of people have gotten it from heterosexual contact regardless of the propaganda that has been put forth by homosexual advocates. Everytime a heterosexual has gotten AIDS there is a drug addict, gay or bisexual contact somewhere in a partners sexual history.

As far as Africa goes.... AIDS is prevelant in the heterosexual population because of the culture over there. In most African cultures females live in a "sex on demand" type culture that Western woman do not endure. It is a females "duty" to satisfy men sexually over there. They have little say in it in most African cultures.