Moby... One would think you are a paid apologist, spin doctor or lobbyist for homosexual advocates.

The figures for IV drug users has declined over the years. Compare them over time since they started keeping records of AIDS.

Another thing regarding the CDC... I have less and less trust in this agency as time goes by. They have become a highly politicized government agency instead of a first line defense in protecting the public from disease. They waste taxpayer dollars and vital funds from their budget studying the effects of gun violence. This is in no way related to disease. It is just a clear attempt to jump into the gun control issue and remove 2nd Amendment rights. They are also pushing the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. This is a totalitarian type system of control that would usurp the power of all local governments in the event of a bioterror attack. It would give the CDC and HHS the authority to even jail citizens who refused to accept a vaccination or submit DNA. Also for some perverse agenda driven reason they wrote into this bill the right to confiscate your firearms and shut down all dealers. WTF is with that? Sound like a medical/disease agency to you?. The CDC has also for a number of years refused to awknowledge the know existing links between abortion and breast cancer. Why? For political reasons of course. I have no doubt that they are playing games with figures relating to AIDS and homosexual practices. This agency puts political agendas before public safety.

Your attempt to compare gay bath houses with whore houses in Nevada is totally ridiculous. You are so desirous of making homos look like straights it is beyond sickening.

You want recent data relating to gay promiscuity. It is hard to find because it's not PC and it offends people like you who love the gays. I do remember reading about a Dutch study that was released a while back. The results were alarming and no American press outlet ran with the story. I don't have time to search for the story now.

I'm sure there are plenty of bisexual men out there. Someone has to be infecting all these women. They are not infecting each other.

You say you have gay friends who are not promiscuous. How do you know? You asked them. If you are a straight guy what makes you think they would tell you the truth? How do you wind up with gay friends anyway? I couldn't be friends with anyone who didn't share similar values. The only exceptions I could see if it was someone you knew since childhood or something then all of a sudden tells you they are gay as an adult. Even then mosts guys would back off on the friendship somewhat. That would be a normal reaction. Are you sure you didn't mean acquaintances such as people you have to work with or whatever? Straight guys just don't make friends with gay people. If there is any friendship on some level it is always based on something external like a work relationship or a maybe they are neighbors or something like that.

You remind me of people who used to think it was chic to say "I have black friends". Only now the PC chic thing for liberals is to say you have gay friends. What do you do... tape "Will and Grace" for them when they are running late from the bath house or something. Sorry not buying it.