The reason Lott is wrong in saying "If Strom Thurmond had been elected President, we wouldn't have all these problems today," is that Strom Thurmond ran on the Dixicrat ticket, which disagreed with the civil rights legislation being proposed by the Democratic party. Their charter states that they "stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race...We oppose the elimination of segregation...the control of private employment called for by federal bureaucrats in the misnamed Civil Rights program...We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for an elimination of segregation."

Now...tell would Strom Thurmond being elected have made things better now with a platform like that?

The key is, Thurmond changed his ways long after this, but Lott was talking about electing the man long BEFORE he changed.

Byrd changed. Notice that you write "FORMER" member of the KKK. Not "CURRENT."

Bustamante, well, I can't defend him being in MeCha, but you also have to remember...he was in COLLEGE at the time of his joining. We all do stupid crap when we're in college.
As far as them wanting to annex Texas and California to the rightful owners (Mexico)...well...I'm sure if there were more than two Indians still left around they'd want Florida back too...but it's not going to happen...Mecha is quite comical...I have to study more about them. smile

As far as Jesse Jackson goes, heck, even us Democrats are embarassed of him.