ebeauchea, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and not flame you on this. I mean, everyone has a bad few days / week / whatever and not everything works out for everyone.

So, I pretty much wasted $30 - which is the way I feel now given that someone that you referenced also had problems with the way you packed things. To me, that's a trend and not an exception.

At this point, we're having a battle of wits and you're coming in here like Venus De Milo (no arms) - unarmed for those that don't get the reference.

So, here's the deal.. everyone who's read this knows that you didn't argue a single one of the points that I made - which means that everyone knows that you're my bitch. So, take this like a man and walk away - and I'll do the same and we can call this off (as much as that'd disappoint everyone reading in this section).

If you don't then I'm going to call you Venus every time I see you on this board and choose to respond and will expect that, if and when we do meet, you'll act like a bitch and I'll expect you to get me a sandwhich and a beer, sit down and shut the fuck up. After that, the only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asking me how soon I want another beer.

I tried to handle this well and tried to keep your name out of it, but like Rockaholic said, you made the choice to let everyone know who I was talking about.

Oh, and I can take care of myself...

So, my advice is; let this go and it'll fade away as soon as the next flame war starts. In a few months, only you and I will even remember this.