Originally posted by Ebeauchea:
I wasn't joking. I even said to the warehouse guy.."This guys a dick..this is going to piss him off."
I want my money back.
I want it all... including what you charged me for shipping.

I'll pay to ship the piece of crap back to you - but I doubt your chicken shit ass would give me an address as then I'd know where you lived or worked.

You stupid moron..

Venus, you'd better hope that we don't meet as I will expect you to do more than get me a sandwich. I don't care about the amount of the money. What I care about is that you knowingly and willingly screwed someone and were so stupid as to admit it.

You are so my bitch and I plan to enjoy every fucking moment of it.

Send my money back. You have my paypal account.

You complete douche.