Mail order..basement..jobless..where is this coming from? How could anyone know if I was able to fit 100 dicks in my ass? Is it from experience? Your the one who needs the pussy protector on your side. Than you've got your buddy RI Xterra that needs to back you up too? What ever happened to one on one? Your all sooooo witty eh? It takes 3 or more to try and tell me off? It's one thing for the person affected by this argument to be mad at me. It's one thing for the original person to call me names, etc. Why are a bunch of 30 or so yr old plus males on a forum ganging up on one guy just to protect their friend? I'd love to hear this response. I'll check it when I get around to it since I don't always have time to write things like

ebeauchea - 100 dicks in his mouth

or whatever it was. You've honestly got nothing better to do? Really? Interesting.

Rockaholic..what is your real name anyway? I do feel like a tool calling you that.