If you dont follow the directions in caring for your toys.... i.e. greasing them. Than why would you complain when it breaks?

Thats like having a pet fish and than getting pissed when it dies cause you didnt feed it.

Basically im seeing calmini did nothing wrong here. Their only crime is having a sterring system that needs more work.

XmbtX Look at it form calmini's standpoint. They stand behind their product, when its maintained properly. Thats not poor business right there. That's common sense.

You never told us if you maintained the bushings with grease or not. SO i'll ask straight up.

Did you or did you not maintain the bushings with grease?

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store not a government agency

99% of democrats give the rest a bad name

Liberals are constantly Inflaming the culture war. They seem to forget which side has all the guns.