Originally posted by WilMac1023:
Hmmm...Iraq creates a government, the Americans leave....

Now...if you were Iraqi, wouldn't YOU go vote for that?

These people don't even know who or what they were voting for. There were no debates, there was no campaigning, none of that! How can you vote for a candidate if you know nothing about him other than that he's a part of one religous group or another...

This wasn't a statement about freedom in Iraq, this was the Iraqis telling us they wanted us out.
You're kidding me right? please tell me you are kidding. Either that or you really need to move to Massachusetts to be closer to your bitch-brothers Kerry and Kennedy. Where do you people get this shit from? Tell me please where you get such strong kool-aid.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. " -Thomas Jefferson