Originally posted by Conundrum:
You'll be hard pressed to match this up...
No I won't.

Relax, dude, it was a humorous jab at someone who so dearly needed it.

Here's a [paraphrased] version of what was said:

Shahram: The Constitution cannot exist as it was meant without the SUM of its parts...That's why I don't support the NRA. They work to encase and protect the 2nd Amendment by supporting the very Party whose members are hard at work chipping away at other rights...I understand that special interest groups must "make deals with the devil"...I just refuse to accept it or be an accessory to anything that recognizes the current regime.

Conundrum: WACKO... Regime? Sounds like Castro or something!

Shahram: How is it wacko? The definition of "regime" is:
1. A system or style of government
2. A particular government, esp. one that is considered to be oppressive
Sure, the word "regime" does carry a certain poison to it, that's why I used it to describe our current crop of "leaders".

Conundrum: If this was a Regime (Unelected Government) then you'd better beleive that I be right there with you...we should be very carefull how we tamper with the "Living Document" that you'd love to see whittled away to nothing.

Shahram: You, uh, didn't read any of my previous posts, did you...

Conundrum: One can only read so much crap per day, before it's taudry [sic].

I used the word "regime" in the correct context, according to Webster's. And nowhere in any of my references could you glean ONE INSTANCE where I could be quoted as saying I'd like to see the Constitution "whittled." Quite the opposite, in fact. But you wouldn't know, because you didn't read it. So, I'm a wacko, though you don't know my position. You disagree with me, though you don't know what I said. Six year olds do that. Are you six years old? No? Then try an argumentative style that fits your age. Or be willing to take jabs from people.

Also, the word "tawdry"--I don't think it means what you think it means.

So, Conundrum, I made a jab at you because 1. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know what's going on, 2. because you weren't listening to the Dude's story, and 3. because you're out of your element.

So, in conclusion, I'm not starting crap with you, just outlining the fact that you're kinda dumb.


PS--Fronty, Oriental is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American, please.

PPS--Yes, that's two Big Lebowski references in one post. What do I win?