Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
target these shitheads hard but do it within the confines of the law, not this vigilantie shit.[/QB]
Let's just assume for a minute that Canadian laws don't have any teeth...oh, wait...they don't. I suppose that is why Canada is a haven for criminals who come from pretty much every part of the world to commit serious crimes here (drug dealing and organized crime, for example). So I guess it would be difficult to target these shitheads hard within the confines of OUR laws.

I am not a police officer and certainly wouldn't want to do their job. I suppose it is always easier to criticize police officers, having the luxury of being on the sidelines and never having to face their frustration of trying to arrest scumbags, only to have scumbag lawyers and judges release them the next day.

I do not always agree with what the police do, but I am sick and tired of the rampant drug-related crimes that occur in our city. Old women have their purses snatched and beaten, home invaders targeting the weak, motorists having their cars broken into for a few coins left in the ashtray and drug dealers doing business at our schools. These assholes contribute nothing to society, but leave a trail of death and destruction on our streets. I am a taxpayer in this city and am still waiting for the police to get off their arses and do their fucking jobs! Instead, the department disciplines the officers for trying to fight crime. These officers did not extort money or steal; they didn't do it for any personal gain. Perhaps, it's just a sign of times to come if the laws don't change...