Yeah, its kinda like... Everyone has their own God. Whether it be a Jewish guy on a cross, the pyramid on the back of a $1 bill, communism, or Atheism. So , #1, how can you totally eliminate religion from government? #2, aren't you just replacing the "christian" religious influence with the fanatical "Athiest" religious influence? And #3, How far do you go to eliminate religious beliefs in government?

If you have a moment, please peruse the following article and tell me how the school system can be justified. Teacher cannot wear cross necklace to school. They might have a point if this chick was dragging a 4 foot cross to work with her every day. But shit... I know people who think quartz crystals will give them power and feed their auras. They wear quartz pendants around their necks all the time. That's religion. Shouldn't schools suspend or fire them as well?
You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
--Frank Zappa