I thought that Ted Kennedy looked like a jackass, sitting there shaking his head and pouting like a little boy. I agree with a lot of what Bush has done and plans to do, I do disagree with some of it. I don't like the plans for the new Patriot act. The big thing that I always realize is that it is a tough job being President of The United States. Everyone always has something to say negative about the job the Prez is doing, but would have just as many problems themselves if they were in that position. The Democrats crack me up. If we had a Democratic President in office right now (Gore and Leiberman), the terrorists would have walked all over us. Could you imagine Leiberman as our president. He is like the kid that got the crap kicked out of him every day out on the playground! When election day comes around, I will vote for the best canidate (in my eyes). I will not vote for the leading Democrat, or Bush just because he is a Republican.
Schleprock, Schleprock...stronger than steel!