Originally posted by Kerensky97:

Who going to be the first extremist to prove their racism by declareing the whole article void because the writer has an Arab name?
It has nothing to do with extremism or racism. That's where you leftists reveal your pyschosis.

Haroon Siddiqui is a total peice of shit. With very little effort a Google Search reveals a wealth of articles he has written. If you defend this guy after reading some his leftist anti-American anti-Western filth you are worse than I had thought. He is an apologist for third world terrorism and is also a Muslim who blames America for what happened on 9/11. He is a glowing supporter of other Muslims who support Palestinian terrorism like Edward Said.

He blames everything on the West and America. Every problem in the third world in Siddiqui's twisted mind is our fault.

He is the lowest of the low and you are a disgrace to accuse anyone who attacks his anti-American venom as being a racist. You are just as sick as Siddiqui. You are proof that out of control leftism is a mental illness.

I'd be willing to bet this guy has ties to terrorist enabling organizations in Canada and elsewhere.

Here is a quote from the author you think raises some good points. It was written a week after 9/11:

"Either out of ignorance or calculation, the theories on the motives for last week's attacks avoid the most obvious. It is due to American complicity in injustice, lethal and measurable, on several fronts. Not all the conflicts can be blamed on America but many can be and have been, especially in the last decade, only to draw indifference or, more scandalously, a barrage of propaganda blaming the victims themselves: that Muslim genes must account for all the savagery and suffering around them."