Originally posted by NY Madman:
I always get a kick when you people on the left call me a "right winger". To you Bush is a "right winger". That proves how far left you are pal. He may be a Republican but he certainly is nothing resembling a conservative. You're damn right he is a liberal. There are liberal Republicans you know. He's not out there in left field with you but he certainly is liberal on many issues.

I'll let your asshole comment slide considering I usually call you a dick. (Hey.... that's something you support heavily. The combination of asshole and dick. Right up you're alley huh...)
[Freak] I don't know if I'd call Bush a liberal.

Actually I'd just call him a figurehead; his administration is conservative.

None of them(Bush admin) are liberal. Liberal doesn't mean anybody who wants to ease the suffering of other humans, that's just basic human decency. Both liberals and consevatives have that trait.

As for the facist remarks, as long as commie pinkos is being thrown at liberals here I think liberals are able to throw back something as harsh.
