Your right, the bible does not mention an exact date. It does very vaguely mention certain things happening that will lead up to the date, and people interpret them to say when the world is going to end. Things like a country in the east will fight with a country east of them blah blah blah. Things that could be true on any given day. I am just sick of religous people using things only in positive situations, and when something negative happens or something that they can't explain happens, we hear the good ole God works in mysterious ways speech. If a kid dies when he is 5 years old because he is murdered or something, people just say that God had a plan for that child. What the hell is that? The kid was murdered and never got the chance to live a full life! This could go on forever Off2cjb. You have some very good and valid points, but there is no hard proof that there is a God. There is tons of scientific proof that evolution was real. I am a person that needs to see something to believe in it, that is just the way I am. People have been debating this subject since the begining of time, we are not going to solve anything on the Xterra Owners Club! wink It was fun and informative debating this subject with you, I enjoy seeing others peoples prospectives. That is what will help me to make my decesion on what I do believe someday. [Wave]
Schleprock, Schleprock...stronger than steel!