Originally posted by off2cjb:

The Republicans are the ones who should be known as the thought police since they more or less stand for what is morally correct along with strong sense of family oriented value systems.
No political party should be known as any type of "thought police". They should make their values and intentions known and let the people elect those they choose to represent them.

The problem today is an out of control federal judiciary and basically an out of control federal government. The Constitution is being abused like never before to do nothing but advance liberal, secular humanist and aetheistic agendas. It is up to Congress to reign the judiciary in. That is where Republicans can be helpful because Democrats support all these things.

Republicans can also help by reigning in Congress itself by putting a stop to the increasing amount of socialism creeping into American's lives. The more socialism introduced into any government, the lazier, selfish and more uncaring the populace becomes. Why should they care when "the state" will do everything for them. Europe is a perfect example of this mentality.

Will the Republicans step up to the plate? I seriously doubt that anymore. It is time for a new national party that is anti-socialist and interprets the Constitution literally. No more "living, breathing document" bullshit.

The people themselves are also a huge part of the problem. People get the type of government they deserve. Our population is becoming increasingly dumber and unaware of issues and concepts that affect their lives. There is a tendency towards laziness and lack of individual responsibility. The state has started to encourage this in an ever increasing grab for power. The worse the people... the bigger the government. The bigger the government... the worse the people. A vicious cycle.

There is a bright spot in the future however. Increasing numbers of young people are rejecting the liberalism of their parents. There are many more conservative high school and college kids than you would think. Things can change....