Originally posted by socalpunX:

Madman. On what planet do churches draw from a pool of 15-16 year olds for alter boys? And where are you getting the age 15 - 16 from ? You uncharacteristically are making up numbers to support your argument. Generally most cathlioc churches have an elementary school on site. For the most part that elementary school provides them with the pool of kids to draw from for alter boys.

At least out here , they usaully start allowing kids to be alter severs right arround the fourth grade and they continue to serve until the end of the 8th grade. That puts most alter servers in the 9 - 13 age range.
Yes you are right that most altar boys start out in grammar school. Some of the victims of gay priests were grammar school age. Many teenagers who are interested in the Church and those who feel they have a vocation themselves often stay as altar boys through high school. If you haven't noticed, there are many Catholic High Schools also. I attended one. (...and yes there were priests and brothers who were obviously gay. One was arrested a year after I graduated for sodomizing a 16 year old male student)

Regarding all the victims who have come forward the past couple of years, The Catholic League and The Traditional Values Coalition have tabulated that 90% of the victims were teenage boys.

As a Catholic I closely monitored most of the press coverage and bullshit being reported regarding the scandal.

I don't know if you are Catholic or not, but in the last 10-20 years there have been fewer and fewer young males volunteering to be altar boys. Maybe this is only a problem in the NY area but I seem to doubt it. Many masses are said with no altar boys or an adult volunteers to help out during mass. It seems no one wants to be altar boys any more. Can you blame them with all the deviants who are priests these days?

Catholic seminaries in the US have turned into gay club meds over the last few decades. Many normal males have left the seminary in disgust because of the gay subculture. There have been a number of good books written about this subject in recent years.

The Catholic Church in America is in serious trouble and they did it to themselves. Is it because they are adhereing to Vatican dictates? No of course not. The Church is being destroyed from within because of homosexuals who think they have a vocation yet reject the very doctrine of the Catholic Church. The insane liberal social cuture does not help either regarding a lot of the Church's lay popualtion.

The media hates the Catholic Church. Primarily because of it's stance on abortion. Secondly because the official doctrine that practicing homosexuality is a sin. Is there any future for an organization that lets the sinner watch over the flock? I doubt it unless serious changes are made within the Church.

There will very likely be a split in the Anglican/Episcopal Church because of this selfish fuck in NH who wants to be a bishop. The Catholic Church in America may also be fractured all because of the homosexual agenda.

EDIT: ... I forgot to mention... One of my brothers got married recently and the wedding was performed in the bride's parish. Guess what? I would bet my life that the priest who performed the ceremony was a deviant. The guy had the flaming looks and mannerisms. At the rehearsal dinner I made a joke about it and the bride and one of her sisters did not seem to pleased with the joke. They are very devout Catholics and seem to be in denial regarding the problems with the Church. (My brother did mention to me that he would never let his future kids be in a room alone with a priest) Oh how times have changed.