Originally posted by NY Madman:
Many normal males have left the seminary in disgust because of the gay subculture. There have been a number of good books written about this subject in recent years.
A lot are leaving, because they want to have a family as well as serve the church. My brother-in-law, for instance. The priesthood has fewer and fewer candidates. NOT because of gays in the ministry.

The Catholic Church in America is in serious trouble and they did it to themselves. Is it because they are adhereing to Vatican dictates? No of course not. The Church is being destroyed from within because of homosexuals who think they have a vocation yet reject the very doctrine of the Catholic Church. The insane liberal social cuture does not help either regarding a lot of the Church's lay popualtion.
The Pope needs to realize that to keep the church going, he's got to make a few changes. Allowing Priests to marry and have families, for one. Why is it that if an Episcopal Priest can come in to the Catholic church and be a full-fledged priest while STILL being married, but a Priest ordained in the Catholic church can't?

There will very likely be a split in the Anglican/Episcopal Church because of this selfish fuck in NH who wants to be a bishop.

The Catholic Church in America may also be fractured all because of the homosexual agenda.
I still say the American Catholic church could easily separate from Rome. But not because of gays. American Catholics are a lot more tolerant than Rome, and want changes (I mean that as a generalization - I don't think I've ever come across a Catholic who thinks using birth control is wrong (the official stand of Rome)). We won't see any changes until at least the next Pope.

EDIT: ... I forgot to mention... One of my brothers got married recently and the wedding was performed in the bride's parish. Guess what? I would bet my life that the priest who performed the ceremony was a deviant. The guy had the flaming looks and mannerisms. At the rehearsal dinner I made a joke about it and the bride and one of her sisters did not seem to pleased with the joke. They are very devout Catholics and seem to be in denial regarding the problems with the Church. (My brother did mention to me that he would never let his future kids be in a room alone with a priest) Oh how times have changed.
Funny thing...my parents are devout Catholics, as well (and VERY conservative politically). My dad will turn 70 next year, and has missed a total of 5-6 Sundays of Mass since he came home as a newborn. They do things with the church all the time (even moreso now that they have retired). And neither one of them has any problems with gays in the church. Neither one of them have a problem with Dignity (the gay catholic support group). Nor does their local church have any issues with it. When I went to church with them this last Christmas, they pointed out at least 6 or 7 ex-priests. Ex-priests who were welcomed into the church, and were allowed to join in the Eucharist. EVERYONE was welcome. This, to me, is how the church SHOULD act.

And if when we were younger, we had a known gay priest, my parents wouldn't be concerned because he was gay. My dad is a physician, and knows full well the difference between someone being homosexual and someone being a pedophile.
"Nature has constituted utility to man the standard and test of virtue. Men living in different countries, under different circumstances, different habits and regimens, may have different utilities; the same act, therefore, may be useful and consequently virtuous in one country which is injurious and vicious in another differently circumstanced" - Thomas Jefferson, moral relativist