Originally posted by Mobycat:

But again, he didn't say he created or invented. He took the INITIATIVE. And he did. Before he backed it, there was no internet as you know it today.

I do agree though, the current crop of dems...sorely lacking. Honestly, I don't think there's been a decent Democrat since April '68.

Gore can say stupid things. But one thing nobody on either side will deny - he knows a hell of a lot about issues, regardless of what they feel about his *opinion* on them.

I videotaped him once. Saying he is wooden is being generous.
Do you not see the word "created" in his quote?

The internet was here long before Al ran for his first elective office. While he did support computer and telecommunications issues while in the Senate, we would still have the same internet today even if Al Gore had never existed.

Both big Al and his boss Bill Clinton belong in jail or standing against a firing squad for their treasonous technology transfers to China. That's how much these guys thought about our high tech industries.

There hasn't been a Democrat who really cared about America or our national security issues since Truman. Even his predecessor FDR was socialist scum.