Carlton was in no way at fault and would NOT be charged with leaving the scene. In order for him to be charged with leaving the scene or hit and run he would have to be INVOLVED in the accident, which he obviousy was not. If anything... and I am speaking from personal experience, as a cop.

If both parties had stopped and I rolled up. I would get both stories and any witnesses. Once figuring out the BMW was following to close I would let Carlton be on his way and write 2 tickets for the BMW. Following to close, and speeding for road conditions.

Carlton did nothing wrong. If the BMW was too close to react in time then he was obviously following to close to Carlton for the current conditions. REGARDLESS. Just because Carlton made a decision to negotiate the obstacle differently than a BMW does not in any way shape or form put him at fault.

I applaud you Carlton for doing the speed limit. I could drive down the road right now and 9 out of 10 vehicles are over the limit. As for the BMW... if you have the money to own one in the first place then you have the money to fix it. Be thankful you didn't hurt anyone or get and violations.