i wonder if classless man was drunk while he was driving his Reamer.....oops mispelled beemer you can excuse that though cant ya beemer boy. Oh and for the record if had been me you were tailgating i would have slammed my brakes and laughed as your 15,000 dollar LEASED beemer slid under my rear wheels. and another thing if your following somoene that close and you hit something in the road its YOUR fault noone elses. Carlton didt ask you to mouth his tailpipe. Carlton didnt ask you to stare in his reaerview and he didnt ask you to be so damn close. The fact that you were too close was what caused YOUR accident. noone else to blame but yourself. So go drown your sorrows in a bottle of jack daniels (if your man enough to dirnk a real drink) And cry in someone elses beer. American beer is too watered down anyway bleagh.

Oh and to anyone who doesnt respect my opinion thats fine. I got over the games along time ago
Goodnight gracey

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store not a government agency

99% of democrats give the rest a bad name

Liberals are constantly Inflaming the culture war. They seem to forget which side has all the guns.