Originally posted by porsche996:
Ok. Long time reader, first time poster, here.

But this thread is just too good to NOT respond to.

There were a lot of "what ifs" thrown around early on in the post, so my first answer starts from the question, "what if an ass-clown responded to the original post by saying the Bimmer was not at fault for hitting the log in the road"...

But I already got an answer to that "what if" by reading more posts...

Anyways, just thought I'd throw out another "what if" that hasn't been discussed. What if the Xterra did swerve around the log? Odds are, the original ass-clown in the bimmer still would not have had time to swerve and miss the log CAUSE HE WAS FREAKING TAILGATING!!! So then what happens to the bimmer? Instead of breaking some plastic body parts and grounding himself, his bimmer now hits the log off-center of his car. Well, there's not too much important stuff over there. Just some more plastic...and suspension/steering components. Oops, there went a tie-rod. Oops there goes the bimmer careening out of the lane and off to who knows where...

So basically my point is, F the bimmer that was tailgating. If he was far enough back to see in front of him, he wouldn't have hit anything. There's too many "What If" situations that did NOT happen, so why even talk about them. That driver should just take some freaking responsibility for his own dumbass actions.

And now let the flaming on the new guy begin. All liberal junkies feel free, 'cause the last time I voted Democrate was...umm...hold on, still thinking. Oh yeah, that's right. There hasn't been a single democrat worth voting for in my lifetime, so I guess I haven't voted for one.
Good first post!
No one can flame you for what you said! You have to be responsible for your own actions, plain and simple! Tailgate and you'll pay for it!
Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder.
