I saw a commercial the other day about Adult ADD. Well maybe it was just a day ago. No, it was like two days. It was late at night after I woke up because I couldn't sleep. Things have been stressful lately and I'm not sleeping well. Anyway, that night after I woke up because I couldn't sleep there was a show on late called The 5th Wheel. It was after David Letterman, and I think he had Britney Spears on that night. She was hyper. Anyway, the 5th Wheel is a dating show where they hook up two couples who swap, and then they throw a fifth person in the mix. The fifth person that night was a lady who had no personality and no sense of humor. She didn't get picked. But they make out pretty hot and heavy on that show. Anyway, I think it was during that show where I saw the ad for Adult ADD. That was what they called it, and they were pushing some drug for it. That is the first time I heard of it.

I think I have it. I think I need that drug to help me.