Originally posted by Claus:

Now there is a knee slapper:

[b]"responses to opposing ideals and/or a lack of ability to discuss anything on an intellectual or reasonably rational level"

This very statement is what signifies you. You are a Fanatical Idealist who does not know the word Objective or Compromise, see that is why you are such an Asshat and an easy target, Sure you use large words and come across as being the worldly know it all, but for the couple of dozen people who have been around this boards for the past 5 or so years, we all know that behind the sad excuse is a person who is nothing but the 1 hour daily humor break from work...

Now, if you want to call me a "fanatical idealist", that is your right. You're entitled to your opinion.

That's coming from a guy who called me a "Nazi" on the first or second day after I signed up to this message board. Your objectivity and ability to compromise were evident to me right away.

What you are not entitled to do is make accusations that I partake in nefarious activity on other web sites. That shows your very childish nature Claus.

I'm the one who is being calm and rational here Claus. You are the turd that has been poked and in typical fashion you responded in your typically immature fashion.