It takes more than just the taxpayer ID by the way. I believe it also requires a utility bill or some other proof of address.

Are the people that they are giving licenses to allready driving? Yes , it's just now they are driving illegally. This almost might work if the California DMV required PROOF of insurance before they issue a driver's license. That way at least it makes all drivers responsible.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Unchecked immigration in this state is one of the primary reasons for it's slow demise. The license issue is just the tip of the iceberg. The Davis camp pandering to the latino vote is rediculous. There are too many latino politicians that do not draw a distinction between legally residenct Mexicans and illegals.

This causes the backlash and crys of "racism" when laws such as Prop. 187 are proposed. The supporters of such legislation are targeted as anti-Mexican and anti-immigrant rights and are branded racists and that is used against them by Hispanic politicians.

If this is a step towards another round of amnesty and naturalization , so be it. Let's make taxpaing , contributing citizens out of people who are already benefiting from the system in a far greater degree than they are contributing.

One oversight you guys are making with your sweeping generalizations of California and their handling of the immigration situation.


States like Texas , Arizona and especially California are continuously saddled with the social and economic burdens of having to combat this problem singlehandedly. Why is it that the INS is represented in as little numbers as they are here? Why is it now considered illegal and a violation of civil rights for an INS agent to approach a suspected illegal and ask for proof of citizenship?

Why are our schools forced to educate , care for and provide social services BY THE SUPREME COURT'S DESCISION TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHO OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED FOR PROP.187 ON THE GROUNDS THAT IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL? Yet, we continue to be burdened by the very weight of a population of 4 million people that are taking from but ot paying into the system. The federal government does not recognize illegals for state budget allowances yet , they do nothing to curb the flow of illegals into the country.

The fact of the matter is that the federal government chooses to look the other way as illegals stream across our border and expect states such as California to pick up the tab for schools, hospital care , and other social services.

Illegal immigrants provide services that most Americans will not do. They are willing to pick the food , clean the hotels , dig the ditches and do the other back breaking work that keeps labor and food costs down while the rest of the country benefits from the low food prices and cheap goods. Who else is going to pick the food for less than minimum wage? Clean your hotels , and do all the other jobs that we deem unfit? Not any of you I guarentee it.

Why aren't other Americans willing to encourage the federal government to be more agressive in their persuit of limiting access to the country to legal immigration only? Why aren't there 10,000 more INS agents along the border instead of the few that are doing the work now?

I am willing to pay more for food and services in order to pay less for insurance , medical care and have better schooling in this state. How many of you are willing to do the same so that the quality of life for myself and myfamily will improve? Yet , you are half , and some of you ,the entire country away and stand in judgement of a state that has no bearing on your life or your family other than our problems are making your life a little easier and cheaper.

So , along with all the complaining about our little state and all the problems that you fail or just choose to ignore all aspects of , try coming up with a few solutions. It's not as easy as it looks.
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure. - Vice President James Danforth "Dan" Quayle