Why aren't other Americans willing to encourage the federal government to be more agressive in their persuit of limiting access to the country to legal immigration only? Why aren't there 10,000 more INS agents along the border instead of the few that are doing the work now?
Because everytime the subject is brought up, there are cries of racism across the land from the left. If it were up to me, the National Guard would patrol the border (both borders) 24/7. INS is overwhelmed and it seems to me that it is the left that always shoots down any legislation or attempt to make it more difficult to get into this country.

Illegal immigrants provide services that most Americans will not do. They are willing to pick the food , clean the hotels , dig the ditches and do the other back breaking work that keeps labor and food costs down while the rest of the country benefits from the low food prices and cheap goods. Who else is going to pick the food for less than minimum wage? Clean your hotels , and do all the other jobs that we deem unfit? Not any of you I guarentee it.

I believe that the cost of paying for all these illegals offsets the "low food prices and cheap goods".

None of these jobs are "unfit" in my opinion. Any honest job is honorable in my opinion. To tell you the truth I wouldnt do the job, not because its "below" me, but because I have qualifications that allow me to find other jobs that pay better. But I can tell you if the fit hit the shan and it came down to me either starving or cleaning toilets in a hotel or picking blueberries, I would do it. Which is better than these lazy welfare scum who sponge off the government when they are perfectly able to work.
I am willing to pay more for food and services in order to pay less for insurance , medical care and have better schooling in this state. How many of you are willing to do the same so that the quality of life for myself and myfamily will improve? Yet , you are half , and some of you ,the entire country away and stand in judgement of a state that has no bearing on your life or your family other than our problems are making your life a little easier and cheaper.

Your "little" state has the 7th largest economy in the world. So dont tell me it has no bearing on the rest of us. A California license can be used in any state in the country as ID for services. Its not about getting stuff cheaper, its about the law and our Government encouraging it to be broken. I would gladly pay more for everything if it meant we would live safer without the threat of being overrun by illegals or blown up by terrorists.

This whole thing is a blatant grab at minority votes, nothing more.
Chirpa Chirpa Bockala!