Its a moot argument anyway. Moore was removed for not upholding the previous ruling.

The real problem I see here is that this is just the beginning of the left trying to legislate morality right out of our society. Many of us on the right feel that the morals of this country have been under attack for some time now by a left that uses morality as a punchline. They are trying to blur the lines between what is considered right, and what is considered wrong. Our country is starting to suffer because of it. I believe that many radicals in the middle east hate us not because we support Israel, or because we are powerfull. They hate us because they see our society as corrupt, decadent, and completly immoral in every way. This scares them because they believe that we are trying to make them the same way. They believe this because this is what are media portrays to them every day in our commercials, our entertainment, etc. We claim to be a "God-fearing" society, yet all we ever see any more on the news is our own "majority" religions under fire from every direction. We have 10-12 yr old kids getting blow jobs in classrooms and the parents are arguing shouldnt be expelled because they are just kids. We are losing our common sense to a fear of seeming even remotely religious.

Where is the common sense?!

Just because an idea of right and wrong originated out of some religious doctrine does not automatically make it wrong. Truth is truth. Forget conservative and liberal, use your common sense. Sometimes children are too young, they need to have thier innocence a little longer. Instead of being bombarded by violence, sex, drugs, (and that is just the commercial before the Saturday morning cartoons begin)

A 5 year old doesnt need to see Mike kissing Matt at Disney World. For that matter, he shouldnt have to see anyone hetero or homo all over each other in a public place. As a conservative I say it all starts with the parents, no one else. But as a parent today, the only way you can shield a child from all of this stuff is to lock them in thier room with no radio, no TV, no magazines, no nothing.

As I said before, the Commandment are just the beginning of the end of any kind of rational morality in this country.

This is the last I have to say in this topic.
Chirpa Chirpa Bockala!