Originally posted by NY Madman:
By this reasoning then would you agree that by the government of NYC creating a special segregated school for homosexuals at taxpayer expense endorses same sex sexual preferences over opposite sex sexual preferences?
Yup! I would agree with that, and I would also go so far as to say that it is unconstitutional. How can we have equality when the state sponsors segregation? I don't care if they're gay or not, but if it was another minority in there, people would scream "racism" and "segregation."

Did you also know that in NYC schools no reference of Christmas are allowed anymore. No nativity depictions, no signs stating "Merry Christmas". It must say "Happy Holidays" and some won't even allow that. Yet menorahs are allowed and Muslim crescent and star symbols are allowed for Ramadan. What say you about this policy?
I say this is good. The way I see it, either everyone can celebrate every holiday, or nobody does. And if it steps on the toes of someone who doesn't believe that way, then I say get rid of it.
Put it personal, and on a different subject. In seventh grade, our class was going to be taught condom use using bananas. My dad didn't want me to participate in this, so I was sent to the library for an hour. No problem at first, because I love to read anyway, and I had already been taught at home about sex from my parents as it should be. I didn't need a teacher with a banana showing me how to do it.
But since I was the only one in class that DIDN'T stay, I was made fun of for weeks on end because I wasn't "man" enough to stay in class.
Ok, transfer that same situation to a Jehova's Witness kid that doesn't celebrate Christmas. That kid is going to be taunted and harassed by every other kid in that school.

If one person is going to be cut out, then it has to be cut out for everyone. Equality for all. Basic civil rights. No segregation.