Originally posted by Cygnus-X1:
There is no justification in the world for splitting lanes or driving like a dick. And if you are afraid your bike will overheat....then get a car. Motorcyclists seem to think there is some special set of circumstances that apply to them just because they are on a bike and that the rest of the driving public should know this.
Dumb. Lane splitting is what makes you a Buick sandwich in the first place.
You obviously don't ride. Here in California, lane splitting it legal, and is endorsed by the CHP. A number of lobbying groups have tried to get it outlawed over the years, and the CHP has always come out in favor of lane splitting, because it reduces the number of motorcyclists who get rear-ended in heavy traffic.

I also fail to see the problem with lane splitting to the front of the line at a red light. A bike will do 0-60 in 2-4 seconds, so before you even have time to get bent out of shape at my "cutting in front of you", I'll have moved on faster than the laws of physics will allow your cage to catch up to me.

I agree that I hate squidly riders that do wheelies on public roads, run loud pipes, and drive erratically in traffic, though. I hate them for causing the type of reaction in the non-riding public that Ashley mentioned. I'd like to be able to enjoy the freedom to ride if I choose, and I don't want it legislated away because of the bad behavior of a small percentage of riders.

Sounds like the guys Ashley ran across would have been a-holes regardless of what they were riding/driving.
"Anybody want a peanut?"