Originally posted by Sean:

[QUOTE]I understand full well the concept of responsibilitiy. If I didn't, I wouldn't have made it this far in life. What an asinine remark to make. Are you saying you're a more responsible person then me? That's a laugh, not only have you no children or wife of your own (that you've indicated at least), the yarns you've spun over the past year pertaining to your so called life proves otherwise. You really need to get over yourself old man.
You people on the left are something else. Whenever backed into a corner or shown how your arguments and theories hold no water you always start in with name calling or attempts at personal attacks.

I never made any remarks as to who is more of a responsible person. My remarks were meant to indicate who understands the principles of personal responsibility more. To those of you on the left personal responsibility is a foreign concept. It is something only "right wing" people are concerned about.

I think I have been cordial here. Am I an old man? Not yet. I'm only maybe two or three years older than you. Do you consider yourself an old man?. Why don't I have kids? Because I am responsible. I have never had a desire to be a parent and have always been responsible enough to take precautions. However if I were presented with the prospect I certainly would not run to an abortionist in order to make an inconvenience go away. I would do the right thing.

I don't know what "yarns" you are talking about but you are more than welcome to bring anything up and question it if you feel it necessary. You really need to get over the fact that you are an amoral man and lack the courage to see yourself and your convictions for what they truly are.

For a man who claims to love his own son so much you are more than happy to have the same little similar faces murdered and destroyed before even being allowed to breathe their first breath. How can you truly look at his face and know millions just like that are murdered and destroyed every year... all because of like minded people as yourself.

A strange sense of irony. I think I would make a better father than you.