Seriously, don't people have better things to do? I'm so sick of these cases, both on the left and the right. So it says "under God." Big fricken deal. Most kids don't even listen to what they're saying. I know I didn't pay attention when I was in third grade. It was just one of those things that started the day out.

And on the right, I could care less if you have a big honkin statue of the ten commandments in the front yard of a courthouse. Just don't get pissed off when a muslim wants to put a big honkin statue of the Koran right next to it. Or a Buddhist wants to put a big statue of Buddha next to it.

I would, however, draw the line if a Wiccan wanted to put a big honkin statue of Mother Nature's Vagina out there. Espically if it leaked every twenty eight days.


I could give two squirts of piss what you want to put out there. Just let me pay the traffic ticket and get the fuck out.