Originally posted by TremorX:
You know, I despise the internet sometimes.

Fuck you, twelve year old dipshit, who downloads all of the "Free stuff" you find on whatever en vogue file sharing application your buddies at school are jerking off to now. You are the reason that bandwidth costs for legitimate sites have gone through the fucking roof, and the reason a decent file-sharing application can't last more than 6 months. Fuck you for making something that, for years, has gone on quietly and unnoticed a national phenomenon because you're too stupid to realize that what you're doing is illegal. Fuck you for not understanding words like "discretion," "anonymity," and "common fucking sense." Get your sorry, prepubescent ass off of my internet.

Fuck you, people with twisted and disgusting habits and fetishes who group together from around this horrible planet, convincing each other that your lewd and often illegal behavior is somehow normal and that you're just misunderstood. I understand you; YOU'RE A FUCKING SICKO. You pollute our ether with your filth and insanity, and you have no business sharing it with those of us who have healthy habits, like "enjoying normal, homo sapien intercourse" and "brushing our teeth." Get your furry, child-loving ass off of my internet, father.

Fuck you, you pimple-faced, virus-writing butter-troll. Your inability to watch your diet or get any exercise outside of jerking off to porn-site previews has made you an enemy of civilization. So, you can write and modify self-replicating code that effectively disables systems? WOW. If you're so god-damned smart, why don't you have a job? If you're so god-damned clever and cool, why aren't you fucking Cindy Margolis instead of printing out pictures of her and wrapping them around your tiny, malformed member that you swear is ten times bigger than normal just because you use Linux? Why don't you smell like $400-a-bottle cologne, instead of the faint aroma of week-old pizza that emanates from the greasy spot on your XXXL "L33T HAX0R" black T-Shirt? That's OK, because after you cost businesses millions of dollars, YOU'LL be the Cindy Margolis Fruit Roll-Up, buddy. Oh, not interested in prison butt rape? Fine. Get your hideous, code-mangling, socially dysfunctional, pimpled ass off of my internet.

Fuck you, ignorant teenage attention whore. You're a blight on the fine institution of prostitution, showing your under-aged titties to horny old men if they buy you the latest copy of Oprah's Book of the Week. You waste the technology that COULD be the video phone on your pathetic attempts to get the world to look at you, and in so doing have turned the next fourteen generations of males into woman-hating misogynists who see you and the rest of your gender as nothing more than a means to an end -- that end being a self-induced orgasm, adding a cum-stain next to that greasy pizza-stain, or getting it on their stuffed-animal/lover. Fuck you for not having enough self-respect to keep your fucking shirt on. Get your uncovered ass off of my internet.

Fuck you, elitist piles of shit. You think whatever product or cause you're venomously defending is the greatest thing in the world, and that people who think otherwise should be skinned alive and dipped in a vat of the melted plastic of whatever product is the "ENEMY" of yours. But, curiously, you had precisely DICK to do with said product's inception, and you're little more than a marketing TOOL; you've been bought, lock-stock-and-barrel, by a corporate over mind, and now you're a walking commercial! I don't care if you're pushing the next great Operating System, video game system, alternative fuel, $400 brand of cologne, car, truck, or brand of camera to stare at naked, underage girls on, you're a fucking TOOL. Get your bi-directional, ratcheting ass off of my internet.

Fuck you, illiterate 17-year old. You can barely read! What are you doing trying to communicate with the rest of the world? Wait, didn't you just get a driver's license? What the fuck are you doing on the internet aside from spewing what could only be described loosely as verbal diarrhea? Maybe "u" should go find an English class and do something besides try to find out the URL to the "hot hot omg" naked web cam ran by the girl in front of you. Maybe then, once you've caught up with those who can actually spell three-letter-words, we'll take you seriously when you tell us how much better the Nintendo Ultra Gameblocks are than the Sony Playtime Station is. Until then, "git ur a$$ off my ntRnet"

Just for the record, this rant has nothing to do with this board, as most of you seem really cool and level-headed. I'm just pissy.
You lost me at "You know"...