Originally posted by OnlyOneDR:
Geeze dude, if you met him and saw his shop and how busy he was you might realize why you did not get your sticker yet...

What is wrong with wrong with picking up the phone and calling? No one is perfect.

I bought his slider unpainted too and OMG had to sand them to prep them for paint anyway. Oil them? The raw material is already nasty and has surface rust on it (doesn't all bare steel?) so YOU asked for them unfinished, you got them unfinished.

BTW, if you want a sticker that bad, stop bad-mouthing and pick up the phone.
You are another one of the people who did not read my post in it's entirety, I complimented him on the oiling of the steel for shipment, if you would have been able to understand what you read, you would have realized that. looks like another example of our educational system at it's finest.