I think she would give George a good run for his money, but I still think that people won't have faith in her ability to control the military, CIA or Homeland security. A tremendous flaw in the Clinton Administration. They knew of Osama, and knew he was a threat. Yet they sat on their hands while the terrorists planned 9-11. Clinton could have delivered a severe blow to Al Quiada, but didn't. So we had things such as the attack on the USS Cole and ultimately 9-11.

One thing she does have in her favor, she has no love for the islamic crazies. She will have to convince alot of people that she has what it takes to be a Commander in Chief. She hates the military.

But I'm sure she will take care of you Todrick. There's probably some free money in there for you in the form of some government handout. You strike me as someone who likes other people to give you money.(refering to the begging webpage) No wonder you support her.