Originally posted by Todrick:
[QUOTE].....I was director of IT for a dot.com during Clinton and now I'm not... simple as that... the economy tanked under Bush... or were you not paying attention....
Well whoop-dee fucking do, so your another IT guy(dime a dozen) who sold himself short in a short term market and now hates Bush because you didn't have the capacity to expand, or even to look ahead five years and ask yourself if your little world would still be there. I'm a programmer, I've made more money than I ever have in the past 15 years. (worked for three different companies) And it keeps getting better. Bet your ass one thing I won't do is publish some bullshit web page begging for others to pay my fucking bills so I can have a Harley and an Xterra. Gotta job yet? wanna get personal dude, I'll bite for damn sure...


I'm Voting Clinton...
Campaigning again. :rolleyes: Know what man, more power to you. I don't really care who you vote for...


Maybe a reading comprehension class is in order. Blah, blah, blah,... Even though judging by this thread I think its obvious you have the attention span of a gnat...
Okay you win. Damn, Got me all figured out. And that being said, perhaps you should learn to ask if the customer wants fries with that order, Coke or Sprite, that type of thing. Stop whining about how everyone else has ruined Todrick's life but Todrick....never had a bad thing to say about you, used to like alot of things you had to say. Since you want to throw off the gloves now I think I'll just yield and bid you a good life asshole. [Finger]