
Pardon my french,but,"you're an asshole".

I was going to let the comments about Grand Am's slide but then you just had to throw the Grand Prix's in the mix. :rolleyes:

Just for the record,like Xterra's, BMW's, and pretty much all other cars or trucks there is a wide range of performance and pricing in various lines.

My wife has a Grand Prix GTP Daytona which was not cheap and is one of the best performing cars out there, she drives it as such and if shmoes (spelling?) like you can't handle it she figures you ought to just piss off. [Finger] I agree. [Finger]

And why the hell do you "use 2 gallons of gas to keep up an keep 3 others form cutting you off"? You got a case of the small penis so I'll drive my slow truck harder than I should syndrome? eek

Maybe you should stop crying [Crybaby] crybaby: and buy a Viper or some other big penis car with some power so you won't feel so small when you get cut off or beaten at a light. [Laughing]

Jeez, what a putz. [Too much XOC]