Originally posted by Branden Burden:

NY- I love how you instantly jump to my supposed hatred of Jews. I like Jews, just as much as I like Christians or Arabs or any organized religion. You on the other hand, by classifying everyone in the region as "bloodthirsty vermin" show an obvious problem with people of Arab or Middle Eastern descent. I have called you a racist before, and I need not repeat myself. Your bigotry shines through in almost every post on this subject.
You're damn right you are an anti-semite. You hate the Jews. You hate the State of Israel. You have proclaimed that hatred on this board a number of times. It couldn't be any clearer if you wore an SS patch or just finished wiping the cum off your mouth from sucking the cock of some Hamas leader. Your sympathies are clearly with murderous terror groups whose primary goal is killing all of the Jews.

I classify terrorists as bloodthirsty vermin. I classify Islamists and jihadists as bloodthirsty vermin because that is what they are, vermin. What do you classify them as .. "brothers in solidarity"? It appears to be so.

To you racism is not blindly accepting the complete culture of hate that foments the terrorism. In your twisted mind racism is also not sympathizing with a culture of hate who was not getting enough of that hatred in it's leaders, they actively vote a murderous terrorist organization into power.

If I'm a racist for not blindly accepting and sympathizing with hate, murder and terrorism, what does that make you?

Israel is ruthless, and aggressive in it's tactics to fight terrorism. As a result the world hates them for it.
No. The world does not hate them. Anti-semites and people who hate Jews hate them. Terrorist sympathizers hate them. Lunatics who embrace insane appeasement policies at any cost hate them. Left wing assholes like you who comprise all of the above hate them.

Rational people do not hate them. Rational people can see the evil they face on a daily basis.

In your insane world view Israel is ruthless. The terrorists are never ruthless.

As a result peace in the region may never be attainable. As long as they keep going down the road of an eye for an eye, the conflict will always smolder and may very well erupt in all out war, which I believe may be the case this time. IMHO it is time to show some compassion and willingness to forgive. Don't lay down your arms, perhaps think for just one moment next time before starting a war. Cool down, take a deep breath….
How can peace ever be attainable with constant attacks from terrorists? With neighbors who openly vow to never stop until Israel is destroyed and every Jew is gone.

You are clearly insane if you think compassion is the answer to murderous evil.

Just don't rush to "kill 'em all" is all I am asking. But hey, for people like NY, that can't see through the shroud of hatred and fear, I guess that would be asking too much. For people on the right compassion is something that was lost a long time ago.
For you people on the left, reality and rational thought is something that was lost a long time ago.

With every paragraph you write, it's nothing but more insanity piled on top of insanity. Piled on top of embracing terrorism and blaming it on the Jews.

You're a sick fuck. Your Jew hatred causes you to see the whole thing in a twisted, slanted, one sided view. Terrorists and the evil they live by is ignored and even absolved by you.

Reality must really bite for you, because you live in some kind of la la land.