Great post mmUTK. smile

Back to the topic, I would love to tint my front windows.
Does it look nice? Yes. (My opinion of course)
Does it serve a purpose? Arguably, but yes.
Is it contradictory to state law? Yes.
Are there other violations that should be addressed prior to tint violations? Of course.
Will I tint my windows? No.

My brother-in-law is a city cop and said most likely I would not be bothered for it. Ah, the advantages of living in a rural area.

Black, I can understand your frustration, but if that same cop pulls you over, you may regret your decision to retint right away.

"I'd like to move us right to Peter Gibbons. We had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him." - Bob Slydell (Office Space)