Originally posted by NY Madman:
What do you know about satisfying a woman?
More than you, virgin.

You're a guy who is about 30 years old. Last I heard you don't own a home, an apartment, a condo or anything. You don't own shit because you are an irresponsible bastard. You are basically a loser who doesn't have two nickels to rub together.
An irresponsible loser wouldn't have paid off $37,000 in student loans and credit card debt in three years, douche.

Is that why you are a socialist? Being a loser makes you want the government to hand you everything.
Never been on welfare. Never taken anything from the government. I was laid off for a year, which put me deep into debt. I did odd jobs here and there where I could. I paid for college out of my own pocket.

Just because I believe in socialist principals doesn't mean I think they'll work in the real world. I'm living proof of that. People are lazy. I went out and found work when I needed money, because I was able.

[EDIT]Meaning, I'm not PERSONALLY lazy, I actually went out and found a job...but that some people are....so use that as a signature if you must, bitchass (yes, YOU jersy), but I just want it in the record what I REALLY meant... [LOL] [/edit]

But I've also seen how big buisness can screw over a loyal, hard worker. Would I like everyone to be equalized? Of course I would. Do I think it could work in the real world? No, I don't.

There are more ways that an adult woman needs to be satisfied than sexually. Being a socialist asshole might be sexy to some women when they are late teens, early twenties. It's not sexy when they are thirty and they don't have shit to show for their life. Especially when all their "normal" friends have everything.
What you need to understand is there's more to life than possessions. Yeah, they're nice, but my wife and I would much rather see a smile on a homeless person's face when we work at a soup kitchen. We'd much rather feel the gratitude of a person as we help them build a house through Habitat for Humanity. We'd much rather open up the extra room in our apartment to a New Orleans refugee for three months because they need it.

When it's all said and done, possessions break, get thrown out, become obsolete. Get blown away or washed away by hurricanes...I'd much rather use my money to help someone out than to buy a bunch of useless crap that'll eventually rot and waste away...

What, exactly, when your carcass is dried up and laid out on the slab, will you have to show for your life besides a bunch of hate filled rants on a message board?

Women don't stay with broke socialist assholes for very long. That includes the woman you married.
You need to stop going out with gold diggers then. Here's a hint. Women LOVE it when you do something nice for someone else. When you're selfless. When you give of yourself to help your fellow man. It shows you have a gentle and kind heart, and that's what my wife fell in love with.

It's too bad you're such an asshole. You might've learned that lesson somewhere along the way and be a whole lot happier with your life.