Originally posted by Guido:

You are right about MN, as soon as I got married, every relative/friend/stranger asked when we were going to have kids. ...

I know you listen to KQ, I would think you would be scared shitless to get the old snip, snip. [Huh?] [Freak]
Its absolutely insane. After our wedding, people started giving us their baby stuff. We got two strollers, 5 car seats, a crib, and some baby clothes. It was nuts. We'd say, "Honestly, we don't need this stuff... we're not planning on having kids" and they would INSIST on shoving the stuff into my truck saying, "trust me, you'll thank me someday." Whatever. We probably banked 100 bucks selling all that shit in a garage sale.

As far as the nut jobs calling KQ (no pun intended), I'm hoping that they represent the same small percentage of the population that doesn't follow their doctor's instructions.... HOPING!
kjw &

The liver is evil, and must be punished...