Originally posted by Shockinxterra:
Um for your information, I'm not mexican, im chinese, but yeah I do live in a border town so of course I know spanish. Two, I'm probably smarter than your sorry ass. This "cabbage HeaD" has a full ride to college. I was ranked Ninth in class of around 400 people. Three, yeah I like Fast and The Furious, but I don't think it's the best movie of all time. Again I didnt choose to buy an X, it was given to me for my birthday so I could have a vechile in college. My mom bought me an suv for the simple reason that it offers more space. So Fuck Off.
1. Try to speak properly... This h8r crap makes you look very unintelligent. If you are 9th out of 400, act like it.

2. To presume that you are "Probably smarter than your sorry ass" makes you look like one....

3. Must be nice to have mommy buy you a brand new SUV.... You're like what? 18, 19.... You think you are really going to convince anyone on an internet message board that you're actions are not that of an inexperienced child????
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........