Originally posted by sarmike:
For anyone who seriously thinks:

[b]He got what he had comming to him. Good to see due process step aside and let crime control win once in a while.
...let me share 2 true stories with you:
About a year ago in California a man took a woman hostage at gunpoint. Swat was called in a surrounded the scene. A street officer snuck up on the man while he was talking to the hostage negotiator and at point blank range shot the man in the face. Dead. Turns out the man was retarded, about 4 years old mentally, and the gun was a toy. THE SAME WEEK in England, two officers were called to a house where a man had broken in and taken the housewife hostage at knife point (guns are illegal in Britain). The constables kept swat outside and talked to the man for 2 hours, finally convincing him to hand over the knife, let the woman go, and come with them to seek help... which he eventually did. End of story.
I have a house and family in Los Angeles, and a house and family in Britain. I know which environment I prefer for my family... how about you?[/b]
I had friends whose house was broken into by someone who was mentally not all there. He killed the husband with a 2x4 before the wife was able to shoot him with a 12 gauge. What's your point?