Originally posted by MikeX:
Off - I lived with a bipolar girl for 5 years. The disease does exist. If you saw a person with a hand cut off, you would acknowledge that the person had a medical problem because you could see it. But there are other problems with the human body that can't be "seen". Your brain is the "processor" for your body. What happens when that "processor" isn't working right, or like other people? That person acts or does things differently. Do you think that the human brain can have no illnesses at all. If you do, then how would you know it was sick if you can't see a physical problem? You can't simply yell at the person "Stop acting like that and settle down!"

By the way, if any of you Atheists/Agnostics/Christians want to really hammer it out, go here:

Nice site, but bad name. Mike, I never said I didn't believe any mental illness. I said, today, many of these illnesses are made up so people do not have to deal with responsibility for their actions. I believe that the drug companies are also to blame with all this medication that does not do anything but make people become the people we want them to be. Are there chemical inbalances in the brain, yes. Does you ex have them, maybe. If you are on to believe that every boy who creates a little mischief should be placed on ridalin, you are wrong. That is what our society is doing today. Drugs instead of parenting. If it isn't ADD, then its Biploar. If isn't bipolar, its because my daddy whooped me. People today have more excuses for their actions than ever before. Thank you liberals. You all claim that you love everyone, but only when you control them and use drugs to make them fit the role you thing they should play. God forbid, a child have a tempertantrom in the store. Must be cause for drugs.