Yeah - sounds like the marshall should have made the passengers get out of the plane, and surround the bomber, so that their bodies would absorb the damage, saving the other people still in the plane, etc....then, standing in an, um, airport, he fires his weapon into the, um, air, which would doubtless cure the bomber of his chemical imbalance, and lead him to disarm immediately.

Nothing scares a suicide bomber like shots fired into the air, making him think he's going to be shot next...and as he's obviously going to be standing there threatening to blow himself up, he obviously doesn't want to die, and will immediately surrender to the authorities.



- TJ

2001 Xterra '03 VG33, SE 5 spd, 305/70/16's, Revolvers, UBSkidderz, Doubled AAL's, 3"SL/2"BL, winch/bumpers, skids, sliders, OBA, Snorkel, pine stripes....

Friends don't let friends drive stock.