Ohh sheesh wow this is funny
That was a joke right....right
WOW its people like you that make the KKK seem reasonable sometimes. Retaking of your lands, your joking right. Wow you see here it is people the militant idiots with college educations (college dont mean smart nor does it mean educated)

What you need to understand is the majority of America doesnt mind hard working mexican/canadian/european/WHOEVER coming into this country to work as long as they are legal.

Oh and besides the fact that a GOOD large percentage of the mexican population in the south, is involved in gangs and drugs AND smuggling of illegals, Doesnt really help your cause all that much.

imcase i got nothing against you personally however i do have something against your militant attitude. If it was a joke than good if not than you need to re-evaluate.
Id hate to have to defenstrate you for no reason what-so-ever.


Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store not a government agency

99% of democrats give the rest a bad name

Liberals are constantly Inflaming the culture war. They seem to forget which side has all the guns.