Originally posted by imacsae:
I don't see where the racism is in my post. I think you are all taking much too seriously. I never claimed any superiority to anybody I just pointed out that as hispanics become more affluent and gain higher positions then their power base will increase. Not to mention that we are now the largest minority in the U.S. Notice that is still minority there are still many more anglo saxons than anything else. Oh and by the way many of you have a very narrow view of who hispanics are. Not all of us have prison tatoos and live in slums.
Well good for you, and all of the affluent hispanics out there. (Same goes for blacks, "native Americans" etc.) It's my wish that everyone work hard and strive for affluence. No matter what the race, the self-reliance and sense of responsibility that comes from working hard and earning a good living is within reach. That's the beauty of our country. That's the part that welfare and public assistance kills. Go out, get an education, get a good job (on your qualifications and merits) and earn a shitload of money.

I don't care who's running audio during a video shoot, as long as he or she knows what the fuck they're doing!!! I don't have the time or energy to be a racist.

(a white guy)
You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
--Frank Zappa